Tuesday, December 7, 2010


The "high level segment" started today. With their ministers and presidents arriving, many small delegations are pre-occupied making sure that they arrive well, are looked after etc. and actually can't negotiate properly anymore. Just to name a few prominencies: The president of Nauru, Guatemala, Palau, Switzerland, Kiribati, Ecuador, Georgia, South Africa, Costa Rica and Bolivia; The prime minister of Grenada, Ethiopia, Kenya, Norway, Swaziland, Bangladesh and the vice-president of Iran.
Most other countries send their minister of environment (with slight differences in title). Interestingly, Saudi Arabia is sending their "Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources" and Libya is sending their "Secretary of National Oil Corporation"! Actions speak for themselves, no?
Ban Ki-Moon also is here, I saw him twice today, he is usually ushered around with a large amount of people in white clothes around him.

Not to be distracted from the real negotiations, though. I am actually quite optimistic! The negotiations were rather slow until now, but there were some small breakthroughs (like on Article 6 as I mentioned where negotiators put their national interests aside) and the 1.5 degree target is part of the drafting text again (it was taken out for some time, causing quite a big worrying). Russia and Canada have hidden behind Japan's stand not to support a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, which is really upsetting. Especially Canada is messing up quite badly here. The UK actually is being quite progressive! Look at the recent ECO articles.
But: In many key points (saving the forests, climate financing etc) the negotiations are open and if delegates are making a right choice now, we can really consider Cancun a success!! Hopefully I will be able to report back positively tomorrow and at the end of the session.
One key thing that I really like here is the transparency of the negotiations. Not so much to civil society, but the Mexican government has refrained from doing copenhagening, were only few parties met behind closed doors and destroyed a lot of trust in the process. The key message, given out by many NGO's is: It's not the process, it's the politics. The UN is, however slow and complicated, the only fair option we have so far.

Good night from Cancun!

Monday, December 6, 2010


Wow, sorry for not having written for so long. By friday night I just felt burned out, and desperately needed to catch up on some sleep and relaxation. So I stayed at home Saturday, and while finally having some time to browse through my emails, I also had a look in the junk email folder. Shock. Oxford had written and offered me an interview for friday (previous day!) morning. I missed my Oxford interview!!!!
(luckily, I called them last night and they said that they'd give me a rescheduled time. phew but the weekend was agony!!!)

On saturday evening, we were invited for dinner by the Kiribati delegation. It was very relaxed and interesting to learn about their islands and their lifestyle! Apparently their capital is the most densely populated city in the world. It takes them 2 weeks to travel from one end of their territory to the other. Their islands span over the date line, which causes many communication problems, for example if there is an emergency in one island on a Monday, the other islands won't receive the call, because it still is Sunday. Their main economy is the revenue of fishing licences given to (foreign) fisher boats, given the huge territory that spans between their islands. I mentioned the United World Colleges to the head of their delegation, in the hope that maybe we'll have a Kiribati student one day? She seemed quite interested.

After the dinner, there was an NGO party, which was good to finally leave some steam off.
I then spend the whole sunday sleeping and finishing off some work for UNfairplay.

Today, when we returned, there were some seeds of hope! The negotiators met on their (supposedly meeting-free) Sunday and Saturday and the first decision regarding Article 6 of the UNFCCC convention (it's about education and public awareness to climate change, quite a hot topic for the youth movement) got passed - including all the proposals the youth movement was pushing for! Success!

If you want some more updates about what is going on at the negotiations, I would refer you to ECO, an NGO newsletter that is published daily and is able to explain the negotiations much better than I can.

Some key issues here are the establishment of one, fair climate fund, and even if it might not be legally binding this year (most expect the next COP to establish a legally binding agreement, and here to lay the foundations to it), there are some key issues to sort out: How much? To whom will the money go? Loans or grands? How do we ensure that governments don't just "relabel" money they would have given anyway and claim the credit for it? How can we make sure LDCs, women and indigenous communities are represented fairly? What role should the worldbank play? How can we make sure that 50% of the money will actually go to adaptation (so far 90% of the money that is located in many small funds goes to mitigation in only a handful of countries).

Another issue is how to save the forests. A new, very controversial program has been developed, REDD and REDD+. The scope of these programs is gigantic, and with so much money involved, governments are fighting hard for or against it. Basically, it is putting a price on the rainforest, allows nations that emit too much to offset their emissions by buying rainforest and makes it too expensive for countries to continue deforestation, instead they get paid for looking after the forest.
With a proper agreement on how to save the forests (the deforestation makes up around 20% of our CO2 emissions at the moment) and a proper, fair climate fund, we might actually be well underway! See ECO for more details! :)

Also, I got worldmapper to plot the number of delegates here in Cancun for me. Interesting, right? A huge thanks to Benjamin Henning from the University of Sheffield for his patience and willingness to help us!

I'll keep you posted!

Friday, December 3, 2010

We're in the guardian!

New Report available (download from unfairplay.info), no press picked up on the old one and YOUNGO (the alliance of all youth at COP meetings) expressed strong support when I presented the (latest) report to them this morning. PEWW things seem to have gone well after all.

Plus: John Vidal wrote about us! :D http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/dec/03/cancun-climate-change-summit-zapatistas

I'm going to take minutes now at a meeting about the adaptation fund for LDCs (least developed countries). Relevant for Kiribati!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Too good to be true?

The day started off with awesome news. Our Report kicked off as we published it this morning (Charlie and Sam were working on it until 5 am), an we got massively positive feedback. A lot of people thought our report could have a great impact on the UNFCCC process and that we might actually change things for the better. I got to talk to John Vidal (the guardian reporter, who asked for some details for his article). I got a map for our figures from worldmapper- they were so helpful! During the day, we send out the report to all press in the UK, with a possibility of getting published in the independent etc. We started a massive media campaign and send emails out the whole day.
Kiribati send us to a whole bunch of meetings to take notes for them. I went to the one meeting where the IPCC was giving an update on the scientific findings since their 4th report, which was very interesting because I knew exactly what they were talking about! (thanks to the climate change summer school, Milena and Ben, maybe you are interested in reading my notes, I uploaded them on our website www.delegationsupport.wordpress.com, under transcript archive)
Kiribati said they found our website was very helpful and their secretary said they’d email it around to all of AOSIS states (small island states block) as well as to the LDCs (Least developed countries). The African block also signaled interest. Awesome! :)
Then, just as we thought things couldn’t get better, a German journalist wrote us an email and asked us on what kind of data we’ve been basing our report on. We checked and it turns out that we - at the very beginning of research - had made a mistake and downloaded the list of delegates to COP 3 instead of COP 16! Instead of checking it, we just went along and used this list for a lot of our arguments. You cannot imagine the agony we felt when realizing this. The report, which had already been send out to EVERYBODY, maybe even worse: with many important people quoting it; was factually wrong.
A lot of our arguments were unaffected since they are based on surveys and not the number of delegates, but the discrepancy of the number of delegates was what really grabbed media attention, and of course it really damages our credibility and is a very big embarrassment.
It’s been 6 hours ago since we realized this and we immediately informed everybody to hold the report. We’ve been recounting the actual number of delegates (Brazil alone has 635 delegates, imagine counting all the UN countries, and this time the number HAD TO BE RIGHT!!!) and are going to rewrite the report tonight so everyone will have an updated version in their inbox by tomorrow morning and with a bit of luck, no major newspaper will have written about it yet. Crap :(
I’ll keep you posted on what’s happening!
We got a quote from Rajendra Pachauri, the Chair of the IPCC about our report!

"The IPCC is fully aware of the uneven capacity that exists in different countries... I have found this report [Levelling the Playing Field] extremely revealing and I certainly think it's very important to bring out these issues because it's only on the basis of awareness that collective action can be taken. So, I complement those involved in this effort for having brought out this interesting report."

And I just spoke to John Vidal, who definitively will write about us in the guardian online!

Now, I'm off sending out press releases to get coverage for the report. :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

UNfairplay daily blogging - check it out!


Day 3 - Things are kicking off!

Good news!

1. Our report about the inequality at the negotiations and the hardships for small delegations is almost done. I emailed worldmapper and they are looking into creating a map for us that represents the number of delegates per country! Should be a nice visualisation!

2. John Vidal, the lead environmental writer for the guardian will write about us and our report! Certainly online - possibly printed as well. Awesome!

3. Kiribati made us official delegates! That enables us to go to the meetings that are closed to the public and the press. Wohooo! 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day two

Today, I got to go to the actual negotiations! To many MUN-people the formalities might be familiar, but it was all new to me. An Australian was chairing the first meeting of the SBI (Subsidiary Body on Implementation), which took place between 10am and 1pm. As we decided, we (UNfairplay) should try to cover all the main streams at all times to keep our delegations posted, and so I tried to take notes from what the delegates were saying. My favorite delegates were African delegates, not necessarily for the content, but because they tend to speak much slower and more considerate than their counterparts, which often rattled at a speed that made it impossible to type! If I imagine someone from a small delegation with even less English skills than mine, I would not know how they cope.
Did I tell you about ECO yet? It’s a daily news bulletin here written by a network of NGOs. Its quite funny and witty, almost everybody reads it here. Every day it announces the “fossil of the day”, the country that was the least productive. Yesterday it was Canada on all 3 places! I’ll see wether I can find a copy to post it up on the blog. ECO is also good to have a view behind what actually is being said by delegations as “diplo-speak” can be quite confusing.
Oh, a girl sat behind the US delegate who had their main strategy up on his screen while busily chatting on his telephone, and I heard she’ll blog about it! Not sure she’s allowed to, but I’ll send the link to you anyway should she put it up ;)
We’ve got good news from Kiribati, too! We finally managed to meet up. Kiribati has 8 delegates in Cancun at the moment, but they haven’t managed to meet each other yet (!). They could not afford to stay in the same hotel and are all only communicating via email. At the moment, they are preparing the arrival of their president (his speech) and their interventions at the main negotiations (I heard them intervening twice :)). Today, we covered the side events (events that are organized by NGOs or other organizations besides the main negotiations) for them and we’ll send them an email tonight with a summary of things that are crucial for them.
They also agreed to give us delegation status! This means that as official delegates of Kiribati, we can access many of the events which are closed to NGOs and the press. Exciting! :D

The first day

Actually, it's already the second day now, but I was just too tired to blog yesterday.
The logistics here definitively have room for improvement. We took the bus at 8 am and arrived 2 (!) hours later at the actual conference centre, which is hosted in a posh hotel. The internet was really bad all day as well, and with us relying on email and blogging to communicate, this was disastrous. Charlie and Sam spend the whole day working on the report, which will hopefully be finished today midday. 
As for us, I am still trying to wrap my head around how things run here. We went to the opening speeches and it was quite interesting to hear how the tone has changed compared to Copenhagen! In Copenhagen, everyone delegates, NGOs and the Media) pressured to reach a final agreement. Here, nobody really expects a final agreement, and the speeches all focus more on "finding common ground", sorting out the finance details etc. It would be easy to dismiss it as "the UNFCCC isn't working anymore", we're not getting anywhere etc, but actually, this can be seen as a positive development as well. Quite a lot of the NGOs here believe that getting back to the roots and negotiating properly without the immense pressure of having to reach an agreement could be more productive. Many see this as the decisions to be made so that in South Africa next year, we can have a legally binding agreement.

The day itself was very long, we stayed around until 7 and until we actually got home it was 10 o'clock. As we assign work for the evening, too, the nights could get quite short soon. I am keen on my sleep though, and as you see, i postponed by blogging to today ;) Being tired the whole day after just isn't worth it, I think.

An interesting first day!

Monday, November 29, 2010

I'm getting there...


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Who are we?

So far, I've met 4 other students from UWCs that take part in UNfairplay. 
Charlie - Graduate from Atlantic College; has lots of experience in climate negotiations.
Benas - Red Cross Nordic UWC
Lindsay - from Atlantic College and Laurence from Pearson

Also, there is Lena, a fellow German (yay!) whose been involved in surveying the delegations last year and writing up the report this year. As I understand, Sam and Isabel, who were really involved in Copenhagen last year, are also going to work on the report, but I haven't met them yet.

Then, we also had 4 girl scouts who said they'd like to help which is awesome!

Sunday - Information and Planning

We got our accreditation badges today! This gives us access both to the NGO-Sector and the negotiations, which will take place in a Hotel nearby.
Although I am still a bit confused with the acronyms, things start to clear up a bit. For this COP, we have three main objectives:

1. Support any delegation* that needs support. Especially Kiribati, since we've been working with them last year. But also Ghana, Gambia and the Marshall Islands signalled interest. We also had some other youths signing up to help, so we've got a backup of manpower to meet whatever need there is. Mainly we'll be helping with translations and providing minutes and reports.

* Well, those delegations that have less than 15 members and that are not considered unfree by the Freedom In the World Report.

2. We set up a blog that is supposed to collect minutes from the meetings, were we'll upload our minutes and inform delegations that they can access them from there. We try to connect as many NGOs as possibly to send us their minutes, but before we put them on our blog, we need to check for bias. Bias is quite a big problem when delegations have to rely to external source's reporting --> point 3.

3. Publish a Report to the UNFCCC that outlines the problems small delegations face. 

The fact that there are no official transcripts for the meetings is outrageous and very un-UN-style. Most people we've spoken to could not believe that there are no transcripts made. So delegations that cannot afford to go to all the meetings (which often take place at the same time) have to rely on external source's minutes, if there are any. Obviously, it's impossible to know how much bias those minutes contain.
The UNFCCC does make videos of the meetings and posts them online. The problem with the videos, however, is that many developing countries are lacking the bandwidth to watch them, besides the unpracticalities of not being able to download them, or to jump between sections, and many just simply lack the time that is consumed listening vs. reading a transcript. Producing transcripts and making them publicly available, would be a simple way to increase small countries' possibility to participate.

Secondly, only the main negotiations have translators. For many countries, the language barrier is an issue. In a survey undertaken by UNfairplay last year, some francophone African countries, for example, have expressed that they feel they can participate less than their anglophone fellow African countries.

There are some other issues that the report covers. We hope we can present it to the UNFCCC this week (before all the crazyness in the 2nd week when the global leaders arrive) and we'll try to get as much Media coverage as possible. This is our long-term goal so that hopefully, in a couple of years, we are not needed anymore.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Just arrived in Cancun, and I can officially confirm that JFK Airport in New York has replaced Beijing Airport for No. 1 on my favourite Hate-Airports List. GRR

Cancun is awesome though. I met Benas, a Lithuanian from Nordic UWC at the airport (after a long search, we both didn't know how the other looked like) and we took a collectivo to the flat of the people we will be staying with.

Charlie, a graduate from Atlantic College, who is one of the main organisers of this year's initiative, greeted us and told us to stay in tomorrow (we've got a workshop to run) to acclimatise and to rest. I think he's really concerned about us overworking, based on his experiences from last year ;)

Ok, I'm off to bed for now, update tomorrow!

Friday, November 26, 2010


It's exactly 7.26 in the morning and I am sitting at Hong Kong Airport waiting for my flight to Cancun (with stopover in Beijing and New York). I am very (tired), excited, curious and a little bit nervous about the coming two weeks.

What exactly am I going to do? I will part of initiative called UNfairplay (http://unfairplay.info/, don't try .com! ;)), our aim can be summarised to support the voice of underrepresented delegations. 

There is a big discrepancy between the presence different delegations are able to show at the Climate negotiations. Some big industry nations, like my own country Germany, send hundreds of negotiators and advisors; they are well-connected, informed and hence well-positioned to have their opinion heard.

Most developing nations, especially the smallest and economically poorest amongst them, do not have this luxury. Ironically, the nations that are most affected by climate change (small island nations that will soon loose their land if current sea level rises continue) are the least well positioned. If they can afford to send any delegates, it most probably will be a comparatively tiny delegation. Not surprisingly, keeping the overview over the masses of informations and showing presence at all meetings is close to impossible for a delegation with only 2-3 delegates.

That's unfair! Every country should have the chance to have their voice heard. 

This is why a group of United World College Students travelled to COP 15 in Copenhagen last year and assisted underrepresented government delegations, mainly the delegation of the small island state Kiribati. The support included taking minutes at meetings and side events and attending some events as Kiribatis representatives. Out of the positive outcomes (they got invited to dinner by Kiribati's president and mentioned in his address to the nation after his return!) grew the idea to continue this initiative in Cancun this year.

Oh, my boarding time is going to be up soon, I better finish. Our immediate plans after my arrival is to host a workshop on UNfairplay on Sunday and to collect our badges.

I'll keep you posted!! :)